United Nations: Failing and Falling in Engendering World Peace

The purpose for the establishment of the United Nations, is first and foremost, the prevention of wars and the preservation of peace in the world. The saying that there is light at the end of the tunnel, is common, but one missing link in its understanding is that what guarantees for a man or travelers to get to the light that is at the end of the tunnel, as a matter of proper prioritizing, should enable a man or the travelers to lighten up their tunnel as they go and not wait for the light outside the tunnel. For what we do off the job, determines what we do on the job. With the current situation in the world today, where major wars are being fought in places that include Russia and Ukraine, Israel and Palestine with an escalation that has brought in Lebanon, Syria and Iran into the conflict, South Sudan and several other countries that are confronted with internal uprising, the United Nations without gainsaying the fact, has fallen short of the expectations of the entire world population to guarantee its peace and security.

“We must seek above all, a world of peace. A world in which people dwell together in mutual respect and work together in mutual regard. A world where peace is not a mere interlude between wars, but an incentive to the creative energy of humanity. We won’t find such a peace today, or even tomorrow. The obstacles to hope are large and menacing, yet the goal of a peaceful world must today and tomorrow shape our decisions and inspire our purposes.”- John F. Kennedy

Russia-Ukraine War
Russia-Ukraine War

In the light of the prediction of the former American President John F. Kennedy, in relation to the obstacles on the path of achieving world peace, which he described as large and menacing, what needs to be done is to first of all identify what those obstacles are before proffering solutions to them. How germane is it to hold a belief that the obstacles to achieving world peace are as a mystery yet to be unraveled? Regardless, some of the obstacles are in my own opinion:

  1. The loss of humanity to modernity,
  2. The worldliness of the world,
  3. The lack of the fear of God, and
  4. The lack of love for God and for man, and greed and unhealthy competitions among humanity.

Summarizing what I consider as obstacles to the achievement of peace and security in our world today, is the faulty foundation of the International organization, which has adopted and recognized the supreme place of the 5 major super power countries, who also are the only ones who have the power to veto any decision that affects the entire world at will. Unfortunately, these countries who make up the Security Council of the organization are headed by humans who are fallible and are susceptible to human emotions and feelings. The veto power bestowed on members of the Security Council of the United Nations, has overshadowed all established rules and regulations guiding the organization, making the policy implementations of the good charters of the organization to be at the mercy of the whims and caprices of the members of the Security Council of the organization, which include the United State of America, Britain, Russia, France, and China.  According to the Charter of the United Nations (1945), the purposes of the organization include:
1. To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace;

2. To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace;

3. To achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character, and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion; and

4. To be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends.

Israel-Palestine War
Israel-Palestine War

The 79th General Assembly of the United Nations also known as UNGA 79, coincided with one of the saddest episodes in the history of the organization, where wars are being fought among some of the member nations including Russia, who also is a member of the Security Council of the organization. If the objectives and the goals for the establishment of the organization have remained elusive, making the convergence of member nations to be under one roof, and not under one thinking cap, the truth remains that it is insanity to continue doing one thing the same way and expecting a different result. It becomes expedient therefore, that rival organizations should emerge and one of them, I believe is the BRICS, which is an intergovernmental organization comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates. One of the failures of the United Nations Organization is in its inability to avert the current conflicts going on in the Middle East by simply following up to a logical conclusion, the proposed two-state solution for Israel and Palestine as had been deliberated upon in the past, under the aegis of the Geneva 1973, Camp David 1978, Madrid 1991-1993, and Oslo 1993-2000. What the world is about to see, if it has not seen yet, are the incarnate of the spirit of Adolf Hitler in personalities such as in the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, and the former President of the United State of America Donald J. Trump, who was the mastermind of the January 6 insurrection act against the Capitol Hill, which is the temple of the American democracy, and what makes America the beacon of light to the world.

In conclusion, let the world leaders be cognizant of the fact that power is transient and life is short. The valedictory speech of President Joe Biden is inspiring and instructive, but the truth is always difficult to engage and come to terms with by leaders, especially the serving ones.

“Let me close with this, even as we navigate so much change, one thing must not change. We must never forget who we are here to represent, “We the People”, these are the first words of our constitution, the very idea of America. And they inspired the opening words of the U.N. Charter. I’ve made the preservation of democracy the central cause of my presidency. This summer, I faced a decision whether to seek a second term as president. It was a difficult decision. Being president has been the honor of my life. There is so much more I want to get done. But as much as I love my job, I love my country more. I decided, after 50 years of public service, it is time for a new generation of leadership to take my nation forward. My fellow leaders, let us not forget, some things are more important than staying in power. It is your people. It is your people that matter the most. Never forget, we are here to serve the people, not the other way around. Because the future will be won by those who unleash the full potential of their people to breathe free, to think freely, to innovate, to educate, to live and love openly without fear. That’s the soul of democracy. It does not belong to any one country. I’ve seen it all around the world in the brave men and women who ended apartheid, brought down the Berlin Wall, fight today for freedom and justice and dignity. We saw it, that universal yearning for rights and freedom in Venezuela, where millions cast their votes for change. It hasn’t been recognized, but it can’t be denied. The world knows the truth. We saw it in Uganda, LBGT activists demanding safety and recognition of their common humanity. We see it in citizens across the world peacefully choosing their future, from Ghana to India to South Korea, nations representing one quarter of humanity who will hold elections this year alone. It is remarkable, the power of “We the People,” that makes me more optimistic about the future than I’ve ever been since I was first elected to the United State Senate in 1972. Every age faces challenges. I saw it as a young man. I see it today. But we are stronger than we think. We are stronger together than alone. And what the people call “impossible” is just an illusion. Nelson Mandela taught us and I quote ‘It always seems impossible until it’s done.’ My fellow leaders, there is nothing that’s beyond our capacity if we work together. Let’s work together. God bless you all, and may God protect all those who seek peace. Thank you.”

President Joe Biden
President Joe Biden

Moreover, in the wisdom of the former Prime Minister of Britain, Sir Winston Churchill:

“It is in the years of peace that war is prevented, and those foundations laid upon which the noble structures of the future can be built. That peace will not be preserved without the virtues which make victory possible at war. Peace will be not preserved by pious sentiments expressed in terms of platitudes, or by official grimaces or diplomatic correctitude, or by casting aside in dangerous times alternately, all war-like strength. There must be honest thoughts, there must be faithful perseverance and foresight. Great heart must have his sword in armor to guide the pilgrims on their way.”

According to Winston Churchill, the years of peace when wars are to be prevented can be referred to impliedly as the distance between the beginning of the tunnel and the end of it, where failure to lighten up the tunnel is an invitation for uncertainty and accident. The world must make hay while the sun shines, for once opportunity lost, is hard to regain.

“If they want peace, nations should avoid the pin-pricks that precedes cannon shots.”- Napoleon Bonaparte

By Samuel Tunji Adeyanju

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