The Vast Majority of Immigrants in America Are Not Criminals- Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde

There is no gainsaying the fact that two kings cannot reign in the same kingdom at the same time. It is interesting to note that President Donald Trump declared in his inaugural speech that he was ushering in a regime that guarantees the freedom of speech, where fake news and misinformation, are no longer in vogue as they are gone with the regime of his predecessor, former President Joe Biden and former Vice President Kamala Harris. This development is not too surprising, as he himself is a guru in that area, as seen in his denial of his loss in the 2020 elections that ushered in the administration of the former President Joe Biden and former Vice President Kamala Harris. However, President Donald Trump deserves to be commended for his magnanimity and generosity, and it is on this note that we would like to call his attention to what the Giantability Media Network has as our contribution and a token of our love for him, especially because of his identification with the Christian faith, of which we also are a practitioner.
It is gratifying to note how super generous God is, as exemplified by the grace He has made available to humans and at no cost. For instance, no matter how short a man is, he does not need to climb a tree or go on top of a building, in order for him to catch a glimpse of the sky. As curious and adventurous as the scientists are, it will amount to insanity for them trying to go into the sun for an excursion. Realize also that there is one glory of the sun, another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars. However, one star, differs from another in glory. No man or leader, therefore, has the monopoly of wisdom, and whosoever aims at the sky has shot much higher than him who aims at a tree. Why the commotion, confusion and apprehension in the United States, just because of a change of regime? It is instructive to note that our tendency is to run from the painful realities or try to change them as soon as possible. But cure without care makes us into rulers, controllers, manipulators, and who overcomes by force, has overcome by half, his foes. It is worthy of note, what the wise men have said.

The incident of what transpired at a prayer service at the National Cathedral in Washington on Tuesday 21st January 2025, the day after President Trump’s inauguration, where Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde, while ministering to the congregation with President Donald Trump and his family, seated in the front row, his Vice President JD Vance and his family in the second row, as well as others that were in attendance, seized the God-given opportunity to confront the President with these words directly, is very instructive:
“I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now. There are gay, lesbian and transgender children in Democratic, Republican and independent families, some who fear for their lives. The vast majority of immigrants are not criminals. I ask you to have mercy, Mr. President, on those in our communities whose children fear that their parents will be taken away, and that you help those who are fleeing war zones and persecution in their own lands to find compassion and welcome here.”
These statements created a sort of dramatic atmosphere, where gazes were exchanged among the attendees, especially the President and his Vice, with nodding of heads that painted a picture of defiance and astonishment. As soon as the service was over, President Donald Trump twitted in reaction to the gesture of the bishop, and his words read,
“She brought her church into the World of politics in a very ungracious way. She was nasty in tone, and not compelling or smart.”
This is the clear picture of the situation of things and in relation to the level of how degenerated spirituality is in America by those who are the custodians of it, as well as the leaders, who are in the saddle. Should the bishop be blamed for her utterances? the answer is yes and no. Had the church in America lived up to its expectations, leaders like President Donald Trump would not have been able to catch-in or take advantage of the deplorable condition of the church, in respect of his failings to take charge of the obvious social vices that have for decades pervaded America. On the other hand, the answer no is in the sense that a true leader, who is Godfearing and who has respect to the covenant, no matter what the message communicated to him directly or indirectly in the Church may sound, disparaging the bishop would not be the right thing to do.
This ugly incident goes a long way in exposing the hypocrisy that characterizes the polity, where leaders and politicians, especially those of the Republican Party only pay a lip service to the things of God, by castigating those politicians on the other side of the aisle, regarding what their ideologies permit, which are exactly what the bishop had mentioned. But realize also that the bishop did not mince words when she said the gay, the lesbian, are not found only in one party but in both of the parties, as well as among others who are independent of the political parties. The pertinent question to ask President Donald Trump, with regard to his Make America Great Again movement (MAGA), is about who exactly does he attribute the powers to make and unmake a person, an institution or a country to?

To those of us who have understanding of the word of life, though we may be immigrants, we acknowledge that except the Lord builds the house, the laborers labor only in vain, and except the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen are awake, but in vain. If President Donald Trump and his MAGA supporters are in sync with this reality, little or inconsequential will his efforts at raiding the undocumented immigrants and deporting them forcefully to their countries of origin would amount to. People forget history and that is why people also deserve the history they get. America is a country made up of and built by immigrants. What is of concern is how President Donald Trump has branded all immigrants as criminals, forgetting that those he branded as criminals have been, for decades, used to provide cheap labor in the American farms, as well as in other areas of life, from where revenues are being generated to develop America.
Surprisingly, no mention has been made about gun violence, which is a serious and major concern to the peace and tranquility of America, and if the question is to be asked about who constitute the major mass shooters all over the years in the United States, the answer to the question will not be the illegal immigrants, but legal immigrants, and particularly the Caucasians. The truth behind the philosophy of the Make America Great Again, which has given birth to the MAGA movement, is connected to start with hatred, racism, and discrimination, including the promotion of gender inequality. As for the pronouncement made by President Donald Trump in his inaugural speech that henceforth, America recognizes only two genders, male and female, this to a perceptive mind, is an understatement, and a transition from the righteous to the ridiculous. Anything different from these two genders from the time immemorial to the present, is only a thing of the mind, which is superficial that lacks profundity. The scriptural truth that needs to be told is that God, our Creator, who originally created us in forms of a male and female is gender blind, hence, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28). This should be the yardstick and a guiding principle with which we see ourselves first and foremost. What is clear in the way the agenda of Make America Great Again is pursued, is that of the white supremacist and gender and racial discrimination and inequality.

One important point in determining how great a man is, is looking at the opposition that he had to contend with before becoming who he is. For President Donald Trump, both in his first term and in his second-coming, had female contenders as his opponents, and what this says about him is that he rode on the wings of gender inequality and discrimination to power, and only him in the history of all the past Presidents of the United States of America, had it so cheap. We should learn from history, how King Nebuchadnezzar, who was full of himself, looked at Babylon as a city which his hands had built, forgetting that kings have long arms but misfortune longer, therefore, let none think of themselves out of reach. Mr. President, Donald Trump, please allow a place for God, the owner of the heavens and the universe, in your thoughts and actions. America is not great by reason of the strength of its army, but by the virtues and values, which the founding fathers had cherished and upheld. Don’t forget also that blood is inherited, but virtues are achieved.
On a final note, be cognizant that “America is a passionate belief in freedom and in the worth and dignity of the human personality. We must not let this song die on our lips”- Henry Emerson. The clarion call to all peace-loving and Godfearing Americans is that we should pray for the peace of America, for as many as love it, shall prosper. However, “first keep the peace within yourself, then you can also bring the peace to others”- Thomas A. Kempis. May God bless the United States of America.
By Samuel Tunji Adeyanju
GMN Chief Executive Officer, USA