My Personal Experience with Vice President Kamala Harris

Employers of labor are responsible for the wages of their employees, and beyond that God is the rewarder of the acts of mankind. Eye service results in human approvals, while God rewards only those who are diligent. America is the land of opportunities, however, there are people, the likes of the former President Donald Trump, who fit in for description as narcissistic, opportunist, and bullies. The election in America this time, is nothing about anything that does not put into consideration first and foremost, the character and integrity of the contestant, for making a journey from anywhere to these main factors which are fundamental as well as critical, is to have begun the journey from the wrong place. Leadership is about people, first and foremost, and therefore, the journey of nation building has to start from the personality of the aspirant.
I want to acknowledge and attest to the person and character of the Vice President, Kamala Harris, who is the Presidential candidate of the Democratic Party, from my own personal experience which I was privilege to have with her. It happened that after President Biden and Kamala Harris won the election in 2020, my organization, the Giantability Media Network, published the 20th edition of the Living Hope magazine, which had President Biden on its cover page, with the title “President Joe Biden: The Man on a Rescue Mission”. One of the inside pages of the magazine, under the column “The Encourager”, had the Vice President Kamala Harris, featured with the title “God has a Place for You”. I had 104 copies of the publication made to the White House and addressed to each of the 100 senators, and 2 copies each of the remaining 4 copies, addressed to President Joe Biden and Vice President, Kamala Harris respectively. My joy was from the accomplishment, that came from the fact that not even one copy was returned.
However, I did not have a more assured way of confirming if those to whom the magazine was mailed, did receive them, apart from the tracker which confirmed the delivery to the White House. The lesson learnt, from dealing with somebody like Vice President Kamala Harris is that, apart from her acknowledgement letter to me on her official letterhead, bearing her signature, this did not happen until after the 21st edition of the Living Hope Magazine was published. What this tells me, is that she waited until she was assured of continuity which meant to her, progress on our path. Surprisingly, the day I went to mail the 21st edition just to her and President Joe Biden, this time around, checking my mailbox at the post office, I found a letter from the office of the Vice President. I was highly honored, but it wasn’t long that I read from a book of wisdom, a saying that “Beware of a man with one book”. I was able to juxtapose this saying with the action of the Vice President, Kamala Harris. The appearance of her husband, the second gentleman, Mr. Douglas Craig Emhoff, on stage, on the second day of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, where he humanized his wife with many words that revealed how kind, considerate, fearless, super-smart and a pillar to the family, further helped me to appreciate the virtues that Vice President Kamala Harris is made of.
Interestingly, the same kind of gesture was extended to me by the former President Barrack Obama, who sent me an acknowledgement letter and greetings card that were duly signing by him, his wife, the children and their dog, Bo, for 3 consecutive years while in office, even though I did not reach out to him in any way. However, the difference between Obama’s gesture and that of Kamala Harris is that while Obama took it upon him to identify me in my humble state, President Joe Biden had Kamala Harris do the job for him. This is why it is not surprising to hear her husband describe her as a pillar, and the more reason why she was promoted from being the Vice President to becoming the next President of the United State of America by the grace of God Almighty. A small act can make a big difference and it is good to be good. It is also encouraged that one should not be afraid to leave the good for the great.
In conclusion, there is no way to compare the Republican National Convention held in Milwaukee and the Democratic National Convention going on in Chicago, which can be described as the gathering of the eagles. Recall that the former President Donald Trump has had no former President of the United State to attend the Republican National Convention, and there is no likelihood of having any to attend. The case is totally different from the Democratic National Convention, where former President Barrack Obama and his wife, Michelle Obama spoke on Day 2 of the Convention. President Bill Clinton and Hilary Clinton have spoken, as well as a representative of the grandson of the former President, Jimmy Carter, who spoke on behalf of his grandfather. Other personalities who spoke in support of Vice President Kamala Harris and term running mate Tim Walz, include: former speaker of the house, Nancy Pelosi; Majority leader, Charles Schumer; Senator Bernie Sanders; the former press secretary of Donald Trump of the Republican Party, Stephanie Grisham; Hakeem Jefffries; and Oprah Winfrey, just to mention a few.
Photo: The Guardian
The democratic National Convention is symbolic of what United States of America truly is, where people deserve to be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their race, religion, and sexual orientation. Americans indeed are ready for Kamala Harris as President and Tim Walz as Vice President. The Giantability Media Network, seize this opportunity to endorse the candidature of Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate Tim Walz. We also call on all Americans to vote for freedom, equity, and justice. When the right people are elected, all other things shall fall in place. It is time to do everything possible to keep the former President Donald Trump, a felon, liar, and a bully, from the White House. His MAGA movement is anti-American and a threat to democracy, while Vice President Kamala Harris has a people’s powered campaign. Be advised to choose the good and refuse the evil. God bless America.