Always Look at the Bright Side of Things


No matter how tough things get, resilient people will always outlast any situation. Strengthen your faith in God, even for times when you are unsure of your future and your direction. God always sees his people through.

In Philippians 4:6-7 it says:
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

We help motivate individuals through our Religious Organization in Indianapolis, Indiana to remain in faith and in prayer. We help them realize that every situation happens for a reason and we can only understand God’s plans for us when we open our hearts to Him.

Do Not Be Anxious

The verse says: “Do not be anxious”; with this, God gives us His assurance that He will not forsake us and that we should trust in His perfect timing to give what our hearts desire. Believe that if you trust in Him, he will give what is best for you and not what you think is best for you. God knows what we do not yet know, so do not be anxious, He knows your thoughts and He will grant what is best for you. Trust in God.

Present Your Requests to God

Among the many qualities that God is to us, God is also friendly and playful. With your prayer, be consistent and “present your requests to God” as said in the bible passage above, for although God knows your thoughts, He also wants to hear you declare what you want.


Whether you get what you prayed for or not, continue to give Him praise and thanksgiving because you were able to endure a challenge that made you stronger and better. God loves all the good that you do, especially ones that let you practice being a good Christian to the people around you. He hates the sin but never the sinner who is willing to walk away from his bad deeds. Always continue to pray with thanksgiving.

Through our Charity Organization in Indianapolis, Indiana, we have helped the youth in our community to have a spiritual guidance that will bring them closer to God and have a renewed faith in Him. The world can seem hard at times, but if we become kind travelers to one another, the journey becomes less difficult to take.

Support GIANTABILITY to let the youth always look on the brighter side of things and know they are never alone in their journey.

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